Beach Body: Get in Shape for Your Summer Holiday

by | Jul 1, 2019

The highly sought-after beach body. Every year, before the summer season, people engage in training programs to develop their optimum physique specifically for those months.

Depending on the region, you need a beach body for only 3 months, half a year or all year round. Maybe even just for your 2-week holiday. Anyway, the reasons are secondary. The goal is clear.

It is not too late to adjust your diet and dive into a little exercise to get your perfect beach body for 2019. If you are looking for the perfect body to show off at the beach or any other occasion you deem appropriate, this article is for you.

So, let’s get started.

Beach Body Workout – A Quick Reality Check

I was in Da Nang (Vietnam) sitting at the Beach when I suddenly felt the urge to write this article. It is one of the most affordable City – Beach combination you can find. Luckily, I was also able to find a gym I could easily walk to from my apartment, which has an AC and proper equipment. In order to get my whey protein powder, I decided to catch a motorbike taxi. The driver decided to break the speed limit on every occasion, but I returned with my favorite ice cream vanilla-flavored whey protein.

Beach Body - Marc Schmitt in Da Nang

Me at the My Khe Beach in Da Nang, Vietnam

What do you have to do? Actually, just the normal stuff is required. The usual fitness advice, which consists of nutrition adjustments and regular exercise.

Just get a proper workout routine. That’s it. There is no beach body workout. There is not even a beach body. There is only a physique that might look good without clothes and that’s usually the case at the beach. Look at this comment from Arnold Schwarzenegger. He gets it right.

“No doubt, it’s far more than building big arms and looking great at the beach (but those aren’t bad goals, mind you); weight training can reshape and tone your body, improve your health as well as your game, keep you injury-free, and ensure a long, active future.” Arnold Schwarzenegger

I would like to break the program down into 3 specific parts. And since getting a beach body is not a specific program, this article is more of a short guide to point you in the right direction with links to appropriate articles. I will call it “Beach Body Program” even though I just complained about it. Hope you don’t mind.

Part #1: Resistance Training

Strength training is the major building block for the beach body program. Muscle mass looks sexy on both genders and since we are after the beach body, a slight muscular appearance should be more than enough and can be achieved in a couple of months.

I highly recommend you check out the following articles for this part:

Part #2: Getting Lean

The second part is about getting lean and this depends strongly on your current body composition. If you are highly overweight, it will take a while.

Nevertheless, this is something we usually always have to do when it comes to a beach body program. You need to lose your excess fat, whether you are after a six-pack or just a lean appearance.

Part #3: Nutrition

Nutrition is key, especially for losing your excess fat. Again, this is highly dependent on your body composition. If you want to gain size because you are too skinny, create a caloric surplus. If you feel overweight (which is more likely), you need to create a caloric deficit. Nutrition is a vast topic and there are several ways to reach your goal as long as you always consider your personal maintenance level.


If you apply the information in this text, and also from the articles I have linked to, you will gradually transform into a better version of yourself. Just try it out. The main problem with not achieving progress is usually due to inaction. There is nothing wrong with favoring reading or watching videos over physical activity, but if you want your body to change, you simply have to do something.

Even if you cannot reach the physique goal this year, start as early as possible. Start today. Remember, the only time you will ever have is now.

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