“The place where people interested in improving their body and health can find useful information, advice, insights, resources, and inspiration for building a great physique as well as mental strength through intelligent training and optimal nutrition.”

The world is moving actively towards a highly sedentary lifestyle which is responsible for most cardiovascular diseases today.
Resistance training can not only reduce your body fat percentage and improve your health, but it also has a profound positive effect on most areas in our life. The purpose of this site is to provide quality content for both women and men including training considerations for different age groups.
We will aim high and strive to have the best overall fitness content in the world, period. Let us together educate the world about fitness and nutrition to be more successful and live happier, and maybe even a little bit longer. Or, perhaps you want to look impressive during the next summer holiday to attract the opposite sex.
No matter your goal in life, will help you to increase your motivation and focus on achieving it.
If you want to get started check out the Beginner’s Guide to Resistance Training or drop me a message to suggest a topic you are interested in!
My Story
I started to train 12 years ago when I was 18 years old. The progress was somewhat OK, but I never had a specific routine. Showing up in the gym and getting some sets done was already a success for me at that time. You can imagine that the progress was similar to most people out there—almost non-existent. University, internships, a semester abroad or a full-time job are excellent distractions and can keep your mind occupied for quite a long time.
After my Master’s degree in Financial Mathematics, I was already overweight, and this got even worse during the time I worked as a consultant in Frankfurt.
In 2018 I decided to go on a creative break and do something different during 2019. I was finally free of the 9–to–5 burden and tried to figure out what to do with my life. Of course, headhunters started to call me all the time, and it seemed the whole world wanted to pull me back to the 9–to–5 job I just had escaped from. Even now, my 9–to–5 career path did not stop stressing me out. I needed a true break. At this point, I decided to change my life and dive into digital entrepreneurship and location-independent living.
There was just one thing that was of as much importance to me as freedom: Finally getting in shape and getting lean.
I have never been extremely overweight to a level which you would consider seriously unhealthy, but I also have never had a six-pack and a perfect beach body I could be proud of.
Since I don’t like just scraping the surface of any topic, I decided to dive into fitness and nutrition, especially strength training, as it has the best benefits for long-term health.
I started reading a lot about strength and conditioning. I bought a 220-cm Olympia barbell. I bought a power rack. I got on a diet to lose fat and get lean.
It was awesome, it was fun, and most importantly, it worked.
So, there we are. I decided to go on the journey not alone and pass on my knowledge. I created with the goal of providing high-quality information, advice, insights, resources, and inspiration about strength training, conditioning, and nutrition.
It seems my challenge for 2019 is to create one of the world’s leading fitness websites –
Publish Your Article
Let us together build one of the best fitness websites the world has ever seen. This site offers a collaborative publishing model, which will give everyone with interest in providing high-quality content for the world the opportunity to do so under their name.
We encourage fitness enthusiasts with sufficient expertise in exercise sciences, nutrition or general health to help built this site!
If you are interested in contributing content to this site, drop us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
We would love to hear from you!
If you have a question about fitness or nutrition, ideas you would like to share, or feedback on my educational tools and services, please reach out anytime.